Thursday, October 23, 2008

Fast Food

Hello all of you

Here is the original movie poster image. It is in colour and it may be clearer if you click on it to make it bigger.

Ok a few ideas for you all..

Remember you are describing the document not just the ideas contained in the document so say what you see.
What sort of document is it?
What are the most important or eye-catching things on the document?
What other information is supplied by the document?
What did we discuss about lies and fries?
What do you think the film is about and why do you think that?

Some vocabulary

Other words for films include picture, flick and movie.

Words for use in association with the burger could include melted, greasy, appetising, fat, gherkin, pickle, sauce, processed, lettuce and bun.

Fall is U.S English for autumn.

In the colour picture the black GRADUATES into blue, or the other way round!

Oh and remember it isn’t the American flag it is the Flag of the United States of America (USA)

Hope that helps , any questions just ask using the comments link

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