Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Desperate Housewives

Desperate Houswives is a series on TV. It is an American series. There are five principle characters, five wives, who live in Fairview. Four of them are best friends and the fifth is an enemy of two and a friend of two. The names of the principle characters are Lynette, Bree, Susan, Gabrielle and Edie and they are played by Felicity Huffman, Marcia Cross, Teri Hatcher, Eva Longoria and Nicollette Sheriden.

Their normal life changes after the suicide of their friend, Mary Alice, who shot herself. After her death the four wives find her secret, her son is not her son. This leads to the big secret, Wisteria Lane is dangerous, mysterious and not as perfect as it seems.

by Valérie, Mélanie and Romanie (TST2S LV1)

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