Saturday, November 22, 2008

My favourite film

Mad Max
The film opens in Australia "a few years from now" the country has collapsed and law and order has begun to break down. Berserk motorcycle gang member, Nightrider has escaped from police custody and is running from the Main Force Patrol (MFP), the police unit, in a stolen MFP pursuit car. Though he manages to outrun the first policemen, the Nightrider then encounters the MFP's best driver, leather-clad Max Rockatansky who is played by Mel Gibson. Max and the Nightrider have a high-speed chase which results in the death of the Nightrider and his woman in a fiery car crash.
Nightrider's motorcycle gang is led by the barbaric "Toecutter" and his lieutenant Bubba Zanetti and they are running roughshod over the Outback, vandalizing property, stealing fuel, and terrorizing the citizenry. Max and his fellow officer Jim Goose manage to arrest a gang member, Johnny the Boy, when Johnny stays too long at the scene of one of the gang’s crimes. However, when no witnesses come for his trial, the courts declare there is no case, and Johnny is released. A shocked Goose attacks Johnny and Max has to stop him and as Johnny leaves he and Goose shout threats at each other, Goose saying “See you on the road scag”. After Bubba, the motorcycle gangs lieutenant, drags Johnny away, MFP Captain Fifi Macaffee tells his officers to chase the motorcycle gang as they want, "so long as the paperwork's clean". (Make sure it all LOOKS legal)
Shortly after, Johnny the Boy sabotages Goose's MFP motorcycle; the motorcycle locks up at high speed the next day, throwing Goose from the bike, but Goose survives without injury. Goose borrows a pickup to carry his bike back to town. However, Johnny the Boy chases Goose and runs him off the road. Toecutter, the motorcycle gang leader then makes Johnny burn Goose alive in the wreckage of the pickup. Goose survives, but after seeing his charred body in the hospital's burn ward, Max becomes angry and disillusioned with the police force. Worried of what may happen if he stays in the job, and fearing he may become as savage and brutal as the gang members, Max resigns from the MFP with no intention of returning.
One day out at the beach Max's wife, Jessie, runs into Toecutter's gang, who attack her. She escapes, but the gang manages to follow her to the house where she and Max live. While attempting to escape, Jessie and their son are knocked down and run over by the gang and killed. Max arrives but it is too late.
Filled with rage, Max dons his police leathers and takes a supercharged black Pursuit Special ( “the last of the V8s”) to pursue the gang. Max visits a mechanic the gang uses and “persuades” him to tell him where the gang are, Max hunts down and kills the gang members: several gang members are forced off a bridge at high speed, hes hoots and kills Bubba at point blank range with a shotgun and Toecutter is forced into the path of a lorry and crushed. After a long search Max finds Johnny the Boy taking the boots off a dead driver at the scene of a crash, he handcuffs Johnny's ankle to the wrecked vehicle and sets a fuse. He gives Johnny a hacksaw and Max leaves him the choice of sawing through either the handcuffs, which will take 10 minutes, or his ankle, which will take 5 minutes. As Max drives away, the vehicle explodes; Max drives on further into the Outback without turning back, his face emotionless.
The film stars Mel Gibson who was completely unknown at the time. He went to auditions with his friend and classmate Steve Bisley who would play the part of Jim Goose. Gibson didn’t look very good when he went to the auditions because the night before he got into a fight with three men at a party, he ended up with a swollen nose, a broken jaw, and various other bruises. Mel Gibson went to the audition the next day looking like a "black and blue pumpkin" (his own words) He did not expect to get the role and only went to accompany his friend. However, the casting agent liked how Gibson looked and told him to come back in two weeks. He said "we need freaks." When Gibson returned, he was not recognized because his wounds had healed almost completely but he got the part anyway.

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