Thursday, November 6, 2008

Time part 2

thanks for all your papers about the time magazine cover, You should have them back with corrections and comments very soon

Here is something I wrote about the cover, It is how I would do it.

This document is the front cover of a magazine called Time. I think this magazine that is sold in many countries because of all the different prices in different currencies printed around the border.

The main focus of this cover is a picture of some soldiers trying to hold up or plant a tree. This is very interesting as the image of the soldiers and their background is in black and white but the tree is in full colour.

The absence of colour for the soldiers gives the impression of age. I think it is meant to give the impression of a time that has past or changed. The tree, a conifer, on the other hand is in colour and therefore stands out perhaps to highlight that this is the thing we should really be caring about. To me it is obvious that this image is meant to make us think of preserving the environment. The soldiers are standing on a decimated hill, covered in rubble and other debris, even the background is razed. The scene is one of total destruction, apart from the valiant soldiers who are battling to either save a falling tree or plant a new tree. I believe that they are trying to save a falling tree due to the fact that you do not plant fully grown trees!

The predominant colour of this cover is green that in itself is special as Time usually uses the colour red for its titles and its borders. This time however it uses the green to highlight that this is a special issue focusing on the environment and specifically ‘The War on Global Warming’ which is also the title of the article advertised on its cover and represented by the image of the soldiers and the tree. The soldiers representing war and the falling tree the destruction of the environment that is adding to global warming fears. This article is written by Bryan Walsh whose name is written below the tag line in green.

The picture is a composite picture; the tree has been added to replace a US Flag. The original picture is a very famous World War Two photo showing the raising of the Stars and Stripes on the third day of the battle for Japanese island of Iwo Jima. This battle was very hard fought and the photo has become iconic of the US’s war time endeavours. I think this is another reason why the photo was chosen for this cover, its heroic message is meant to help inspire action on the environment and also underline the effort it will take to solve the environmental problems of our planet.

Above the title there are three other stories highlighted. Each story has a little photograph with it that is relevant to its content. The first , reading from the left, is about the US presidential candidate Barak Obama, the second about why more women are choosing to have caesarean sections to give birth and the third about whether Richard Branson, an English billionaire, can save the airline industry.

I think that this is a very interesting cover that appeals on many levels. I do know however that some Second World War soldiers who were at the battle of Iwo Jima have taken exception to the use of the photo that represents their struggle. They feel it belittles there efforts to use it as a method of selling a magazine. I however am very sympathetic to ‘green’ issues and therefore look at it and feel the need for action, the need to stop talking and to fight the war.
Please feel free to leave any comments.

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